Sunday, December 6, 2009


It's already 2am, have to wake up at 6:30 for the Sunday Service... well, I have a couple of reasons:

1. I'm playing Plants vs. zombies! heheh!

2. Trying out my Globe Tattoo... it works well but there are times that i can't access a thing

3. I want to post something that bothers me... and here it is:

In the coming days i'll go home to spend the holidays with my family. This is the 2nd year that i'm doing this, still associating with my past, huh?

Aside from the holiday season, I will also take time off from work for a week though I am 99% sure that I'll call my seniors once in a while.

It's also Alvin and Mhay's wedding on January 9. I'm so excited for both of them because i somewhat saw how the years went through them... they are also my friends, especially Mhay.

As expected, we will sing at the wedding and reception. And of course since my ex is part of the group, he's also invited and he will definitely bring along his wife. That's what i am worried about...

Again, don't get me wrong. I am not hoping that we'll be back -- that would be very very impossible because he's married. What I am worried is how i will react once i see him for the first time after the breakup more than a year ago. I know there's a bit of anger with everything that had happened and the damage that it made.

This will be my main prayer from here on...

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